Professionalism and Success in Job Hunting

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Professionalism and Success in Job Hunting

Professionalism and success in job hunting and being vetted for a job you desperately need to accomplish goals in your development as a consummate professional is no small task. At Job Career Critic, we want you to excel at the top of your profession because you are driven to succeed. As you start your checklist of job skills needed to compete for the best-paying jobs in your field, always keep sight of your objective. Be scientific and diligently explore every aspect of your career field. Delve into some areas on the periphery of your domain to be conversational. Having some knowledge will indicate to those doing the evaluation that you have curiosity, which is vital for those wishing to move up the ladder of success. Once you reach the top, you will find only motivated, focused professionals in residence.

Be Exceptional When Interviewing

Every recruiter is looking for that Unicorn but will settle for someone who is professionally oriented and can get the job done. Job Career Critic understands the variety of clients who visit our website and leave their resumes. We have a saying, “We Have The Job That You Fit.” That means there are many ways to get the job done, and you must match people with the job. More importantly, there is no one way to do any job. You will learn as a professional you find a way to “get the job done,” period, full stop. There are no excuses! If you plan correctly and always have a plan “B,” always. Let recruiters know that a job without a plan B can be suicidal because perfection can be arranged, but unforeseen issues happen, which is why Murphy’s Law exists. Never admit to perfection, but explain that you continually seek perfection in your work.

Understand Who You Are Talking With

A recruiter is not your confidant or career counselor while vetting you for a position. These are words from an NY Times article explaining some steps you must remember during vetting. The recruiter, like you, is trying to examine whether his skills can discover your valuable assets for his company. You are of significant concern to any recruiter because their reputation is also on the line if you are hired. Understand this metric, and you will then understand the need to study your subject (job type) and everything about it for your interview. We have many blogs at to make your job search and interview productive and streamlined.

Stick To Facts

Focus is an asset when you are being vetted, more than any other skill you may add to your repertoire to make you successful. Most of us have the talent to do many jobs, but we lose focus, get distracted, and lose interest. Make a plan based on facts and logistics, outline your objectives, focus on how to carry out each component of your goals, and always compartmentalize them. They should be in chronological order from first to last in your execution. There should be an algorithm to make each component flow in sync. Be ready to discard items in your queue if they are not needed. If you obtain your goal and are hired before you can use everything in your arsenal, shut up and smile. In the car business, salespeople talk and talk. However, they are trained to listen, and when you say “Deal,” they stop talking and start writing. Do the same when you hear the words you’re hired. Start smiling, give a handshake or fist bump, then leave. Good job hunting from

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