Our Entire Healthcare System is on The Line

Who is going to help nurses who have plenty of leftover debris from COVID-19 will be significant and must be addressed the same as PTSD. The symptoms and emotional damage will be the same. We have to understand that a significant amount of our precious Health infrastructure will suffer greatly if psychiatrists and psychologists are not deployed to Healthcare workers like they are deployed when returning soldiers come home from war zones. We stand to deplete an already depleted health workers’ resource pool with no replacement workers stepping forth to fill those vacant jobs. The results of this looming problem associated with PTSD will be psychological and emotional. This puts our entire Healthcare system in jeopardy and will change the fabric of how Healthcare is delivered in this country and around the world. Job Career Critic has stepped up to the plate by increasing our reach out to Nurses and other healthcare workers to apply for Jobs to help fill the need.

Many Nursing Positions Will need Filling Soon!

The debris nurses received from COVID-19 will be significant and must be addressed the same as PTSD. The symptoms and emotional damage will be the same. We have to understand a significant amount of our precious Health infrastructure will suffer greatly if psychiatrists and psychologists are not deployed to Healthcare workers like they are deployed to returning soldiers from war zones. We stand to deplete an already depleted health workers’ resource pool with no replacement workers stepping forth to fill those vacant jobs. The results of this looming problem associated with PTSD will be psychological and emotional.  Job Career Critic has stepped up to the plate by increasing our reach out to Nurses and other healthcare workers to apply for Jobs to help fill the need. An article printed on The Lancet website talks about stressed-out healthcare workers.

Hospitals Were Overrun With Patients And Short of Supplies

This virus has overwhelmed our health system and it’s increasingly difficult to properly treat patients with sanitary conditions normally in play at Hospitals. Instead, medical professionals are forced to cut corners and deliver patients in unclean or sanitized ambulances; nurses and doctors reuse PPE equipment to treat new patients; reuse equipment because of no replacements; improvise incubators to treat 2 patients with the same machine; treating patients in hallways because every room was filled; holding the hands of frightened patients who knew they were going to die; face timing with relatives so they can say goodbye; worrying if they now are infected and will they infect their families if they go home. At Job Career Critic we share the concern of communities and will partner with any organization that wishes to take this ongoing problem.

There Needs To Be A Push To Replenish Nursing Jobs

We need to ramp up efforts to promote and advertise for new workers to fill jobs in Healthcare because in 5 to 10 years we will feel the pinch of what will be very long lines to see a doctor. Job Career Critic is committed to this process and will feature healthcare companies on our website. The alarm should be sounded because treating people currently employed as frontline healthcare workers will someday soon need to sit down with professionals and be evaluated because this is something not to be taken lightly. We all need these healthcare workers doing their job because we will all need them someday.

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