We accept there are many places to find Jobs. We believe Job Career Critic is the best place for you to find your Job. Our Jobs come from various sources throughout the Jobs industry. When  submitting your resume to JCC, you have less competition for your services with an equal amount of Employers examining your resume.

Your cover letter should be no more than one page in length. It should explain who you are and why you’re the best candidate. It needs to be concise and keep the hiring manager wanting to learn more. If you go any longer than a page, the person reading it will get bored. Your resume should also be limited to one page, especially if you’ve been in the workforce for a short amount of time. Hiring managers spend only 6 seconds looking through your resume, so it’s essential to keep it to one page filled with solid keywords to stand out.

Some essential things to include in your resume are your name, contact information, education history, work or internship experience, and related skills. All of the details on your resume should are for each job application. Additionally, you can include professional organizations and special awards if you think they’re relevant.

A personal brand is how we market ourselves to others. It is your professional reputation as defined by your goals and accomplishments. During the job search, you need to take charge of your own personal brand because it affects how employers see you. In a job market where everything takes place online, your reputation is significant for landing a job.

Absolutely! If you think you can handle the job requirements, it never hurts to apply for the position. Whether you have fewer years of experience than they’re asking, or you are missing one of the hard skills mentioned, these don’t necessarily rule you out from landing the job. Skills will be learned on the job, and if you’re the best candidate, years of experience won’t matter. Just don’t lie and say you have the qualifications when you don’t.

First, you must be honest with yourself and look at the Job specs and decide if it is something you can tackle, and in time learn the skills needed for this Job. Experience is something we all acquire in time, and if you are confident in your ability to learn then say with confidence to the recruiter I can do this Job! Be honest and don’t lie about your qualifications because you never know what the next question will be to challenge your knowledge and you don’t want to get caught in a lie during a Job interview. Whether you have fewer years of experience than they’re asking, or you are missing one of the hard skills mentioned, these don’t necessarily rule you out from landing the job.

Sometimes the name of the hiring manager won’t be listed on the job description. If it’s a small company, you might be able to find a name on their website or through a quick Google search. But if, after searching, you still can’t find the word, you should begin your cover letter: “Dear Hiring Manager.”

Thank you. Emails are a personal preference. Either works, but 89 percent of hiring managers are acceptable with an email note, and half prefer it. Just be sure to personalize the message. Remind your interviewer who you are, how much you want the job, and why you’re the best person for it.

There are no stupid questions when it comes to the job search. These are just a few of job seekers’ most frequently asked questions. For more information visit https://jobcareercritic.com/ and leave a message if you have additional questions.

What are some things you’ve been wondering about in your job search?