JOB CAREER CRITIC Is The New Place To Find Careers And Jobs. We Find The Company That You Fit, Not The Other Way Around. We put Your Career Needs First.

About Our Company

At Job Career Critic, we’re redefining how you find careers and jobs. Our mission is simple: We find the company that fits you, not vice versa. We prioritize your career needs, ensuring you’re on the path to professional fulfillment.


As we draft this page, Brian Rogers remains actively involved in the transportation industry. His journey mirrors the experiences of countless individuals who have grown weary of bouncing between jobs due to misleading promises made by recruiters about companies and the opportunities they offer. Many have felt disillusioned when reality doesn’t match the glossy brochures and upbeat pre-employment orientation sessions. Over time, the strain of working in a place you don’t want to be becomes unbearable, ultimately leading to resignations.

But Brian had the foresight to create Job Career Critic, a platform designed to empower job seekers like you. Our central focus is on you, the candidate. Finding the right job leads to longer, more satisfying employment tenures, better pay, and opportunities for advancement. Brian’s philosophy is simple: He approaches job hunting as if he were the applicant, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed career decision. Rest assured, every job listing on jobcareercritic.com has undergone rigorous vetting by our team.


Job Career Critic takes a distinctive approach to company evaluations and job searches. Instead of assessing candidates for a company’s suitability, we scrutinize it to determine if it aligns with your professional goals and values. We act as your advocates, critiquing companies to establish whether they fit you. Brian employs a well-established methodology to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of past employers. Once evaluated, companies are awarded a star rating, making your decision-making process easier and instilling confidence that you’re making the right choice. Why settle for a job that doesn’t align with your aspirations, only to repeat the process a year later? Discover your dream job at JCC, where you can embark on a lifelong career.


At Job Career Critic, we believe in the saying, “If you do what you love for a living, you’ll never work a day.” Brian firmly embraces this adage. We encourage you to consider your passions and work diligently to master them. Doing so means you’ll find a career that feels less like work and more like a calling. At Job Career Critic, we offer opportunities that resonate with your interests and skills, allowing you to live out this truth.
Good searching,
Brian Rogers, CEO, Job Career Critic